Global Warming

The planet is heating up fast

          Global Warming is the rapid increase in the earth’s temperature because of the greenhouse gasses. As the greenhouse gasses gathers in the atmosphere the earth’s temperature gets hotter. This is also known as climate change. Global warming is the cause of many dangerous disastrous like heat waves, drought, storm etc.

         There are many causes of global warming. Deforestation and burning of fossil fuel are on top. Deforestation plays a role in the increase of the CO2 in the atmosphere and decrease in the H2. Similarly, burning of fossil fuel results in the release of number of gasses. . Cigarette smoking, burning of fuel in cars (incomplete combustion) are also the cause of global warming. Industrial smoke is also an example. It combines with the fog and makes smog .These gasses react with the gasses in the atmosphere which causes the increase of the temperature. Green house effect is also a major cause of global warming. In greenhouse effect, the heat is not allowed to back rather it is trapped inside. The ozone layer is an example of greenhouse effect.

         Global warming has many effects on planet. Already, global warming is having a measurable effect on the planet.  Ice is melting in both polar ice caps and mountain glaciers. In this way that wet areas become wetter and dry areas drier. Lakes around the world are becoming warmer day by day. Humans emissions and activities have caused around 100% of the warming observed since 1950.

        Global warming not only effects the human being but it also had an adverse effect on animals, plants and other tiny creatures. As increasing temperature melts the ice bergs, it becomes difficult for the ice bears to live. White tigers, which lives on snow covered mountain, due to lack of snow or increasing temperature come down. Which is again dangerous for humans and other animals. Similarly, plants growth depends on the climate. As the climate is changing it affects the agriculture. There are any examples in the past in which whole agricultural fields are rusted.

 Global warming should be stopped. As temperature of the world has raised in the past few years. It is not good for the upcoming years. If global warming continues, ice will continue to melt which will raise the sea level and causes flooding. Temperature will keep on rising which will become bearable for human beings as well as animals. Agricultural lands will be unfertilized, which will again have an adverse effect on living things. Increased temperature is also not good for labors. As they have to work hard in the open sun. It is in the record that the number of people dying of heat stroke are increasing in the past few years. Also, the water from the melting snow is increasing the water underground. Which is causing soil erosion. Increasing temperature also effects the sea animals. As the amount of oxygen in the water is decreasing. Where does the CO2 goes? Most of the CO2 reacts with the ozone (O3). Which is the major cause of ozone depletion. Some of the CO2 is inhaled by us. Rest of the CO2 is absorbed by Oceans and large water bodies.

      Ozone is the layer around the earth. It is in the troposphere. Ozone is there to protect the earth from the harmful things (meteoroids) coming towards the earth from the space. Ozone also absorbs the ultraviolent radiations coming from the sun. Incomplete combustion of fuel in cars releases CO (carbon monoxide). Burning of fossil fuels releases CO and other gasses. When CO is released in the atmosphere, it reacts with the ozone and causes its depletion. Also, CFC's from the air conditioner is released which plays a role in ozone depletion.  When they react, following reaction take place;

                           CO + O3 à CO2 +O2

In this way ozone is converted into carbon dioxide and oxygen. A research says that there are holes, called ozone holes, are observed in ozone layers. Through which the UV radiation are passing. And that holes are increasing day by day. This is alarming the whole world.

         Greenhouse effect is the trapping of heat. Greenhouse effect is on the similar basis. When you have to plant something against the climate then greenhouse effect is used. For example, some plants need more heat than the usual, then a special type of place is used. That place is covered with the green cloth or something which is good for trapping sunlight. That material not allows the light to go out thus it results in the increase of temperature. This helps in the growth of the plants. Also, it helps to introduce the offshore plants in the country. Same as the locked car. Car parked in the open sun, when sit you in that car the car is initially very heated. This has the same effect as the greenhouse effect.

        Global warming must be controlled now in order to save our generations. Global warming can be controlled in following ways;

  • ·         Catalytic converters should be used in cars. Catalytic converts the incomplete combustion into complete combustion. This limits the release of carbon monoxide.

  • ·         Use of public transport instead of private. This will reduce the combustion of fuel. And also reduce the other pollutions like noise etc.

  • ·         CFFs should be used instead of CFCs in the air conditioners. As they have no adverse effect on the ozone.

  • ·         Deforestation should be strictly prohibited. If it is necessary then plant same number on trees in some other place.

  • ·         Plantation must be done on the government level as well as citizen level. Trees plays a vital role in the change of climate.

  • ·         Print media and electronic medio plays a role as they can spread awareness in the people about the dangerous effects of  global warming
